Friday, October 21, 2011

Christmas is coming... Blue Ginger is growing...

So ive been on a bit of a break.
And ive needed it.
Crazy busy with work, as I am a partner in a landscaping business. Been learning how to build websites and its been fun

Theres a new Blue Ginger look coming and a new blog and website. This blog will be cancelled once I have my own on my website. Wont be until 2012.

New products and colours are coming...
Im not going to post images as I will be launching it all at the Buninyong Makers Market in December 2011 on 10th December Saturday.
So come along if you are interested and want to have a peek at my work...

I havent been 100% happy with everything ive made before, but in saying that. i have reached the best I can be now with the new range i have developed. I have been very inspired...
Learnt new tricks...
My taste and style has really progressed and if youve liked my stuff before. You wont be able to resist this...
Its an art piece! And Im very proud of it..

Well stay tuned..
Will update around christmas time.
My online shop will stay closed for now as I am swamped with orders. I am only currently wholesaling.
My new products will only be available at the market this year ready for christmas. Beginning of 2012 I will be adding things through my new website shop.

Take care